Who we are

SPACE was founded in 2023 in Santa Fe, NM, during the UNM Anderson Accelerator for Responsible Entrepreneurship by a woman on a mission. With 15 years in personal development, founder and lead coach Ryan Glassmoyer saw organizations as platforms for social change. She envisioned a leadership consultancy that would empower founders to build companies capable of regenerating both people and the planet.

What could make businesses better? What if they became regenerative spaces where transformation happened faster and with greater ease? A climate activist, Ryan saw the connection between linear production models and linear expectations on leaders and teams—both limiting human potential, generating tunnel vision, and burning out people and the planet. What if there was a more circular approach to the human at work?

SPACE understands that human intelligence is inseparable from emotion, setting us apart from machines. We tap into connection, creativity, and care, pausing to focus on the human side of leadership. By recentering on the personal, we address the internal shifts needed to create external change.

Through energetic mentorship and energy management training, SPACE offers a fresh perspective that integrates the whole person—their perceptions, emotions, and concerns—into organizational growth. This approach fosters resilience, psychological safety, and human-centric innovation.

The results? Founders gain confidence, enthusiasm, and new practices for personal rejuvenation and sustained growth. Authentic connection flourishes, bringing out the best in teams and creating thriving, heart-centered organizations equipped to meet today’s challenges. SPACE gives companies the edge and grounded presence needed to rise to the moment.

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